Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Don't Feed the Plant!

Last show was Saturday! It was a lot of fun to play. :) Sadly, the only picture I have is a slightly blurry one with a tall dude standing in front, but you can kind of see what it looked like. The kids did such a great job! I brought L to the final performance. She liked the show, but I think she liked the attention from the high school kids the most. The kid who played the plant showed her how to dance like Michael Jackson. Thanks Tim. Heh.
BTW, this is my first time posting a video. Let me know if you can see it.


Throws Like A Girl said...

I keep getting a video not available message, anyone else?

Anonymous said...

HOW CUTE!! Video worked fine for me. Looks like you are working with some good kids, since they took time to interact with L.

Hope you had fun!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! (singing)"Little shop! Little shop of Horrors!". Im glad it went well!

sophanne said...

I love that clip. All's well in my video watching.

It's just so fun and the heart of life to watch the big kid play and give attention to the littler one.

It really made me smile.

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

GREAT video! L looked so cute :) Very nice of the high school kid to pay attention to her and teach her some dance moves!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Blogger is on Christmas break???